Monthly Archives: April 2011

Easter peeps



We spent a good part of the weekend building planter boxes. Cute, huh?

I’ll have more photos of the various boxes once they’re stained and put in place, but for now I’m here to talk about peeps. You know, those cute, cheery bright sweet little birds.

I had no idea that peeps were such curious creatures.

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I love you. Really, I do.



Lily received a belated Christmas gift this week from my our friend Simone. It was a super cute (and probably a wee expensive) fuzzy moose made from hemp and other natural organic materials. (We’re so granola here in California, what can I say?)

I unwrapped it, oohed and aahed over its cuteness and then handed it to Lily who ran out into the backyard with the moose in her mouth and a happy swish of her tail.

A couple hours later I went out back to water my fledgling vegetable seeds and was stopped short by this …

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chicken stock quiz



I ran across a story on Michael Ruhlman’s blog about proper preparation of chicken stock and his practice of leaving his stock out on the stove top throughout the week to use in daily cooking.

I have to admit that I was a bit surprised. My behind might have clenched. Leaving stock out all week just makes me nervous. The bacteria, man, the bacteria!

According to Ruhlman, leaving stock out is a-okay as long as you heat it up when you go to use it, which will kill off any bacteria that may have formed.


I’m curious … what do you guys think? Is it okay to leave chicken stock out on the counter all week? Or am I just being an overly icked out ninny?

Bothe-Napa Valley State Park



This past weekend we invited our friend Larry to stay with us in celebration of his upcoming birthday. Larry is one of the nicest, most decent men I’ve ever known. We were lucky to get married on Larry’s boat and have him as one of our two witnesses. We love Larry.


This photo was taken on his boat the day Jack and I got married. Larry’s got great chi, doesn’t he?

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Drakes Bay Oyster Company, Point Reyes



While exploring Point Reyes we ran across Drakes Bay Oyster Company, a small oyster company that had been in the local news for some weeks. The oyster company is able to grow and harvest in Drakes Bay, which is national park territory, due to a special permit. That permit is coming up for renewal and the NPS is looking to pull it altogether. There is quite a bit of controversy brewing that you can read more about at Drakes Bay

We decided to stop and see what all the hub bub was about. Plus, we wanted to take home some oysters.

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Freakish hail



We had a freakish one hour hail storm yesterday afternoon.

For most of the day it was beautiful bright blue skies albeit a little on the chilly side. At about three o’clock I was grocery shopping at Trader Joe’s. While perusing the cheese I heard a huge clap of thunder followed shortly thereafter by a violent staccato rain, or at least what I thought was rain. I wandered by the front doors drawn by a gathering crowd who stood peering outside with dropped jaws. Hells bells, it was hailing!

It’s not like it doesn’t hail in California. It’s just that I don’t think anyone was expecting hail. Rain? Sure. Shoot, it’s been raining non-stop since February. But violent hail? Uhm, no.


When I got home twenty minutes later it was still coming down. Five minutes after that a tornado (the fifth of the season) was reported to have touched down at my school just ten minutes down the road. Apparently a good bit of damage was done. Jeez.

And then just as quickly as it came, the storm cleared out.


Hours later the hail was still there … and I saw some neighborhood kids scooping ice off cars, making snowballs and pummeling each other with ’em.

Fun. And just a wee freakish.