Shopping for beauty products … who knew it could be so shocking?



Last week my brother and his family were in town. Yay!

My niece is 13 (isn’t she adorable?) and really, really, really into doing her nails. This is a girl after my own heart; I, too, cannot resist the glitter and glam of nail polish. I totally get her obsession. Painted toenails makes the world a happier place. That’s such a reasonable perspective. Thanks to my niece my toenails are currently painted emerald green, and I have to admit, I love ’em!

Anyway, on one of our outings we stopped by the local Ulta to check out their selection of nail polish, scrubs, body polishes, yummy smelling shampoos and hair doodads. And then we made the mistake of wandering over to the lip gloss aisle.

Holy moly …

Here’s a line of lip gloss from Urban Decay called Pocket Rocket. On the cap is a photo of a fella, in this case a fella in scrubs (we assume a doctor or some such.)

Huh. Okay.


Then you tilt the cap slightly and all his clothes fall off!



If you don’t like healthcare professionals, what about firemen?




Needless to say, we enjoyed the lip gloss aisle almost as much as the nail polish aisle.


5 responses »

  1. my toes are usually always polished the local Nails Art place with a wonderful thing of some sort on my big toes like a flower or for christmas it was a snowman

  2. My daughter also loves nail polish. Check out some You Tube videos and see what other girls are doing. She has learned to “tie dye” her nails and they look amazing!!

    Ebay has become her fav shopping site where she has picked up various brushes, tools, gems, rhinestones, etc. She has some pretty fancy nails going on!!

    Oh, and LOVE the lip gloss . . . Maybe I’ll put some of those in MY Easter basket !!

  3. HAHAHA! Hilarious! Finally someone in the PR department caught on to the fact that it’s us girls buying this stuff so we deserve some eye-candies that WE like, not our boyfriends, eh? 😉

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