Monthly Archives: September 2011

End of summer garden update



Despite the fact that it will be 90F this week we are definitely at the end of Summer here in Northern California. We’ve already had rain and you can feel the cool weather starting to settle in.

But this is still California and I really appreciate our sunny climate especially as we head into Fall, my favorite season of the year. This beautiful climate affords us more evenings out back enjoying our patio and BBQ. And more time in our garden.

Read the rest of this entry

Who says we’re not romantic?



Anytime Jack travels he always brings be back a little gift. He’s a sweetheart that way.

When he came back from Alaska this summer he brought me a shotgun.

And I love it! (For now, just roll your eyes and go with me here.)

We finally got a chance to go to the shooting range this weekend so I could test it out.


You see those three shots in the middle there? Those were my first three shots with my new firearm.


There’s something kind of funny (Jack says “creepy”) about having your husband behind your target.

All in all, I can’t wait to go back to the range.

Thanks, sweetie. It was a great gift!

Walkin’ the dawg



On Friday the “dawg” and I carpooled with Jack over to the peninsula. We dropped Jack at work and then headed straight for the beach in Half Moon Bay for a much needed breath of ocean air. There’s something about the beach that just clears the mind, don’t you think? After a LONG walk the dawg finally conked out and I was able to get in plenty of studying at a local coffee shop. The upcoming week is full of exams so there’s a lot of studying going on right now.

Who knew that I would come to love organic chemistry so much? I know! I’m a little shocked myself.


When we first got to the beach we were surprised by this herd of goats about 50 feet from the cliff. Call me crazy but beaches and goats are not something that I automatically associate together. But alas, there they were.





Oh, yes. We had fun. Lily got to do what she loves to do: tear it up all over the beach spraying sand everywhere and chasing waves.


And I got to do what I like to do: beach comb. I can spend hours looking at shells and little crabs, pieces of driftwood and algae. There were tons of these jelly fish things. I have no idea if they’re actually jelly fish or not, but that’s what they look like to me, so that’s what I’m calling them.


All in all it was a good way to start a weekend of studying.



Whoa—what happened?



Jack came home three weeks ago after being gone for six. (It was so nice to see his sexy mug again.) The same day Jack arrived home his mom and her friend flew in—from Oklahoma and New Mexico respectively—for a visit. (Yay!) The next day my brother flew in from Austin. (Yay!) After that I don’t remember much. (Yay?) Life was a blur: dinners, theaters, comedy clubs, shopping, BBQs, wine tasting, laughing, arguing politics … I had almost no time for silly things like school, laundry or picking my nose.

We also got a chance to BBQ for the first time in our newly renovated backyard and then test out my makeshift fire pit. (The house is still standing. Yay!)

And most importantly we had a really great time with our families and friends. (Yay!)

But now we’re back.
